Tuesday 5 May 2015

Top 5 Strongest Land Animals

Top 5 Strongest Land Animals


Tigers are the largest members of the cat family and are renowned for their power and strength.

Top 5 Strongest Land Animals

Facts About Tigers:

1. Tigers are the largest members of the cat family and are renowned for their power and strength.
2. The tiger is capable of killing animals over twice its size; it is one of nature’s most feared predators.
3. Like its ancestor, the sabre-tooth cat, the tiger relies heavily on its powerful teeth for survival. If it loses its canines (tearing teeth) through injury or old age, it can no longer kill and is likely to starve to death.
4. Tigers live alone and aggressively scent-mark large territories (up to 100sq km in size) to keep their rivals away.
5. They are powerful nocturnal hunters that travel many miles to find buffalo, deer, wild pigs, and other large mammals. A Bengal tiger can eat 21kg of meat in a night and can kill the equivalent of 30 buffaloes a year.
6. The roar of a Bengal tiger can carry for over 2km at night.

7. Although tigers are powerful and fast over short distances, the Bengal tiger cannot outrun fleet footed prey such as deer. Instead it uses stealth to catch its victims; attacking from the side or the rear.
8. Tigers use their distinctive coats as camouflage (no two have exactly the same stripes).
9. If the kill is large, the tiger may drag the remains to a thicket and loosely bury it with leaves, then return to it later.
11. As well as game animals, it preys on wild boar, monkeys, lizards and occasionally porcupines.
12. Females give birth to litters of two to six cubs, which they raise with little or no help from the male. Cubs cannot hunt until they are 18 months old and remain with their mothers for two to three years, when they disperse to find their own territory.
13. Like domestic cats, all tigers can purr. Unlike their tame relatives, however, which can purr as they breathe both in and out, tigers purr only as they breathe out.
14. Unlike other cats, tigers are good swimmers and often cool off in lakes and streams during the heat of the day.
15. Although tigers belong in the wild they are still used by travelling circuses in the UK.


Top 5 Strongest Land Animals

Top 5 Strongest Land Animals
 The elephant brain is the largest of all land mammals, with a mass of over 5 kg. It is similar in structure to the human brain.

Top 5 Strongest Land Animals

Facts About Elephants:
1. Elephants are highly social and live in family groups which are matriarchal. The female matriarch is the leader and the herd follow her everywhere.
2. The elephant brain is the largest of all land mammals, with a mass of over 5 kg. It is similar in structure to the human brain. Like humans elephants must learn important behaviours as they grow up.
3. Elephants have amazing memories. The matriarch and fellow senior females remember vital information such as the whereabouts of waterholes which allows elephants to survive in the long dry periods in the plains.
4. Elephants communicate with each through touch, sound and scent. They use a wide range of sounds to talk to each other, and even communicate at infrasonic levels (which humans can’t hear).
5. Elephants are able to recognise themselves using mirrors. Self-recognition indicates a very high level of awareness. Only cetaceans, magpies, humans and other primates have so far been found to recognise themselves in mirrors.
6. There is significant evidence to suggest that elephants mourn the passing of conspecifics. They even recognise skulls of other elephants long after they have died, and even with the tusks removed. Elephants gently touch skulls and tusks of dead individuals with their trunks and feet.


Top 5 Strongest Land Animals

Top 5 Strongest Land Animals
Grizzly Bear:

Like human children, bear cubs are extremely playful; and just like human mothers, if things get too rough, mother bears will make them stop to protect them from hurting themselves.

Top 5 Strongest Land Animals

Facts About Bears:

1. Bears are extraordinarily intelligent animals. They have far superior navigation skills to humans; excellent memories; large brain to body ratio; and use tools in various contexts from play to hunting.
2.Bears care deeply about family members. They will risk their lives and even fight to the death in order to save a cub or sibling from danger.


Top 5 Strongest Land Animals

Top 5 Strongest Land Animals
 Scientist have shown that gorillas display individual personalities.

Top 5 Strongest Land Animals

Facts About Gorillas:

1. African apes (gorillas, chimpanzees and bonobos) diverged from a common ancestor about 5 million years ago and belong to the family Hominidae. Gorillas and chimpanzees walk quadrupedally (on all fours) and use their knuckles to carry the weight of their head and torso.
2. There are two different gorilla species (each with two sub-species). The Western Gorilla (Gorilla gorilla) has the sub-species: Western Lowland Gorilla (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) and Cross River Gorilla (Gorilla gorilla diehli); while the Eastern Gorilla (Gorilla beringei) has the sub-species: Mountain Gorilla (Gorilla beringei beringei) and Eastern Lowland Gorilla (Gorilla beringei graueri). All species are endangered due to habitat loss and hunting amongst other threats, however the Cross River Gorilla is the rarest with fewer than 300 wild individuals remaining in eight small isolated populations in Nigeria and Cameroon.
3. Scientist have shown that gorillas display individual personalities.
4. Gorillas have been observed displaying emotions such as grief.



Top 5 Strongest Land Animals

Top 5 Strongest Land Animals

Top 5 Strongest Land Animals

Fact About Crocodiles:

1. The largest crocodile species is saltwater crocodile (Crocodylus porosus), encountered from India to northern Australia and Fiji. In can reach 7 m (23 ft) in length and 1 tonne in weight! At 5 m (17 ft) length, it already has 0.5 tonne! Even so, a crocodile egg is no larger than that of a goose!The smallest crocodile is the dwarf crocodile (Osteolaemus tetraspis) from central Africa, which has a maximum length of 1.9 m (6.5 ft). It is more terrestrial than other crocodiles.

To "cry crocodile tears" is a common expression which is used for depicting fake sadness. It has its origins in the myth according to which reptiles weep while eating humans. But, believe it or not, crocodiles really do wipe while feasting, but rather due to physiological reasons than remorse. Their eyes can froth and bubble during the feeding. Air pushed through the sinuses could mix with tears in the animal's lacrimal (tear) glands and the whole content could be emptied into the eye; resulting the "fake" remorse.

Crocodile skin is considered one of the finest and best, being soft and durable. In many tribal societies, skin crocodile is used as a symbol of high status. But only the skin on the belly has these qualities; the back skin is covered in bones (called osteoderms) that reflects arrows, spears and even bullets!A crocodile skin purse can cost $ 15,000. The value of the crocodile skin has been fueling an intense poaching and today many of the 23 species of crocodiles and relatives are threatened, many populations being wiped out. The salvation of the crocodiles could come from the crocodile farms.Brazilian poachers capture caymans during the night, by thrusting spears between their eyes (which can be easily spotted night, due to the shiny tapetum layer). The animals are brought into the boats and skinned alive.

Some populations venerated the crocodiles (like the ancient Egyptians). From some tribes in New Guinea, the crocodile is a totem god and those people make themselves crocodile-like body scarring, which is an extremely painful procedure.In the case of Australian Aborigines, some tribes were expert in crocodile hunt, while for others the crocodile hunt was taboo.

Crocodiles display increased aggressiveness during the mating season (linked to the monsoon).
