Saturday 26 April 2014

~The Osprey silently circles high above us as we fish, watching for the released fish that flap at the surface. Surprising us with a bull's eye dive within a few feet of our boat, the fish is snatched up with barely a splash. We all watch opened mouth and speechless as the Osprey heads back to the nest with dinner.~

See more ~The Osprey silently circles high above us as we fish, watching for the released fish that flap at the surface. Surprising us with a bull's eye dive within a few feet of our boat, the fish is snatched up with barely a splash. We all watch opened mouth and speechless as the Osprey heads back to the nest with dinner.~
~The Osprey silently circles high above us as we fish, watching for the released fish that flap at the surface. Surprising us with a bull's eye dive within a few feet of our boat, the fish is snatched up with barely a splash. We all watch opened mouth and speechless as the Osprey heads back to the nest with dinner.~


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