Monday 8 December 2014

Cute Amazing Hawk Bird

Cute Amazing Hawk Bird
Hawk is a common name for some small to medium-sized diurnal birds of prey, widely distributed and varying greatly in size.The subfamily Accipitrinae includes goshawks, sparrowhawks, the sharp-shinned hawk and others. These are mainly woodland birds with long tails and high visual acuity, hunting by sudden dashes from a concealed perch.In the Americas, members of the Buteo group are also called hawks; these are called buzzards in other parts of the world. Generally buteos have broad wings and sturdy builds. They are relatively larger winged, shorter-tailed and soar more extensively in open areas than accipiters, descending or pouncing on their prey rather than making fast horizontal pursuit.The terms buteonine hawk and accipitrine hawk may be used to distinguish the two types, in regions where hawk applies to both. The term "true hawk" (with scare quotes) is sometimes used for the accipitrine hawks, in regions where buzzard is preferred for the buteonine hawks.



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