Tuesday 5 May 2015

Top 5 Strongest Land Animals

Top 5 Strongest Land Animals
 The elephant brain is the largest of all land mammals, with a mass of over 5 kg. It is similar in structure to the human brain.

Top 5 Strongest Land Animals

Facts About Elephants:
1. Elephants are highly social and live in family groups which are matriarchal. The female matriarch is the leader and the herd follow her everywhere.
2. The elephant brain is the largest of all land mammals, with a mass of over 5 kg. It is similar in structure to the human brain. Like humans elephants must learn important behaviours as they grow up.
3. Elephants have amazing memories. The matriarch and fellow senior females remember vital information such as the whereabouts of waterholes which allows elephants to survive in the long dry periods in the plains.
4. Elephants communicate with each through touch, sound and scent. They use a wide range of sounds to talk to each other, and even communicate at infrasonic levels (which humans can’t hear).
5. Elephants are able to recognise themselves using mirrors. Self-recognition indicates a very high level of awareness. Only cetaceans, magpies, humans and other primates have so far been found to recognise themselves in mirrors.
6. There is significant evidence to suggest that elephants mourn the passing of conspecifics. They even recognise skulls of other elephants long after they have died, and even with the tusks removed. Elephants gently touch skulls and tusks of dead individuals with their trunks and feet.



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